Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Tanks GUI rework

Today I am working on adding all missing features to GUI layer. Firstly I have reworked versus game mode GUI to better suit all versus needs.

In this gamemode left and right panels are hidden and all stats are displayed in top "versus" gui panel. It displays players armor, nicknames health and scores and soon - abilities and cooldowns.

Next update was in random game mode GUI. I have added new panel for second player. Both panels are named - to avoid mistakes - and display all needed stats.

I am also slowly rewritting the code to store players data inside every player instance. For now all players data is stored in Resource Manager, what makes scripting some features very annoying.

The next feature I am currently working on is new player turret - minigun turret! It doesn't have a model yet, but all mechanics have been finished.

The last thing I am working on is bullet mechanics. I want bullets to have different modifers (for example piercing, that will make them punch through enemies and hit others behind them.

I hope, I will be able to show you more soon!

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