Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday talk #4

This time, I want to announce that our work group has grown again! My old friend and microcontroller programmer Grzegorz, asked me about Mamba Games and proposed a little expansion. He always wanted to share his creations on web and for me it was a great idea to create new Mamba part - Mamba Lab.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday talk #3 - Return of the Mamba

More than two months passed since my last post on blogspot and a lot of things happend and changed since then! But finally I'm back and with good news for you!

Firstly, I want to proudly announce that my old friend and computer graphics designer Fabian, has finally joined Mamba for good! That will make many things easier, because I am at least bad 2D artist and with his help it will be possible to move graphics quality of Mamba games, logos and almost every materials to higher level.

But before this happen, we need to finish our small studio in Fabian house. We will have there two workstations, a piano, a set of microphones and a little space for greenscreen or primitive mo-cap session.

Fabian proposed to change Mamba Games logo from dog's paw to snake. At first, I wasn't completely convinced about this idea. But Fabian is right - Mamba is much more associated with Black Mamba snake than with my lovely dog (that is black, and that's why we called her Mamba). I know, I named my studio Mamba Games at the beginning to memorize my dog friend, but I discused this with Fabian and I agreed to change the logo.

I said, that the logo will be changed - Fabian is actually working at it in his free time, but as I mentioned before, we need to finish our little studio soon.

What I have been doing last two months? Mainly, I have been working on new Mamba webpage, that will be release platform, mini social center and web player for Mamba made games. I have also been working on new server infrastructure for studio configuring VPN for Fabian, making fileservers etc. Nothing very spectacular, but now me and my friend have access to our projects and materials via internet from every point around the world.

I have been also given possibility to purchase new monitor and I am able to record materials in Full HD, at least!

And what in The Tanks? I pushed the work a little forward, making a copule of models and fixing some bugs I have encountered. I want to finish demo mission soon and for this, I need a copule of props I hope to borrow from local amateurish theater, or from my friends, because I would really like to record short dialogue movies for the demo mission.

I will also release some "top secret" documents from The Tanks universe on twitter to shed some light on game plot.