This time, I want to announce that our work group has grown again! My old friend and microcontroller programmer Grzegorz, asked me about Mamba Games and proposed a little expansion. He always wanted to share his creations on web and for me it was a great idea to create new Mamba part - Mamba Lab.
That's right. Mamba Games transforms a little - because its no longer only for games. With our new webpage, we are going to show you a complete service, where you will be able to play games, watch streams and videos from Mamba team and other players and share your creations - games, videos or other content you create! There will also be a possibity to talk with the others on a forum (more traditional) or just chat with other Mamba members.
For now Mamba is going to have 4 parts:
- Mamba Games - well known
- Mamba Art - a place for artists to show their creations (a kind of virtual gallery and library)
- Mamba Lab - tutorials, and other scientific stuff
- Mamba TV - streams and videos
Because of this I have to rewrite some parts of the webpage code. But I hope to start at least a part of Mamba services on our own webpage soon.
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