Thursday, May 5, 2016

Garage menu finished!

I have finished garage menu. All basic options (including color change for all three players) are implemented. I have just finished model with normal maps and I am quite proud of it!

You can rotate the tank around using A and D keys (it will be later replaced by auto-center on selected part mode) and camera by holding LMM and moving the mouse cursor around.

I have also started to rework basic player model. I hope to finish it tomorrow.

Looks much better than the old one.

I have also started a small project called "The Archer" as a playground for me and my crazy ideas. I need a place to test some new mechanics (eg. camera rotation was invented for The Archer and then put into The Tanks garage module) and try new features - I am trying to understand Blender animation module now to make tracks actually moving.

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